Game-changing processing for the glass processing industry

We have completely rethought glass processing. As a result, we are introducing the world’s first vacuum coating process without the traditional limitations of glass and equipment size. These features make it possible for the glass processing industry to use our tool to make items such as glass-integrated products, which have traditionally been part of the […]

Different processes for different purposes

Is the method suitable only for the sputtering process? Initially, the partial coating tool and method were designed to form conductive patterns on a surface of substrate plate by a sputtering process. It is possible to further develop the tool to manufacture many different processes for different purposes. That is why there is no one-size-fits-all […]

Volframi´s targeted glass processing device

Unprecedented flexibility in producing functional glass panes with targeted processing There is an increasing need to bring functionalities on glass surfaces in the construction, transportation and power generation industries. Thin film coatings are an emerging way to improve properties or add new functionalities in the glass processing industry. However, the pace of innovation is being […]

Runar Bäckström Foundation Grant

We won the Runar Bäckström foundation 2020 award and received a grant for the development of our innovative coating process and device. Many thanks to the foundation! We are truly grateful for your support that allows us to continue our development work. The Runar Bäckström foundation’s Board of Directors has decided to award grants to […]

Patent granted

We have received very nice decision on our patent process: our patent is granted!

Volframi Oy:lle EAKR kehittämisavustus/ ERDF grant for development activities

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) has supported Volframi Oy by granting funding from the Sustainable Growth and Jobs 2014 – 2020 program. The Finland’s structural funds program has five priority axes with 13 specific objectives. Volframi Oy has received the grant from Competitiveness of SMEs for development activities such as professional services, R&D and products. […]

Approved interim decision

Patenting the innovation process in 2019 Nice news! In December 2019, we got approved interim decision on our patenting process.